- Summary----------------------------------------------------French
- On this page :
- - Cryolite and Ceramics by Smart.Conseil
- - Cryolite
toxicology, by Edouard Bastarache
- In French version :
- - La cryolite et la
Céramique par Smart.Conseil
- - La cryolite,
Toxicologie, par Edouard Bastarache
and Ceramics
- Etymology: From
the Greek words "kryos", cold, and "lithos",
- An allusion to
its glare close to that of
- Year of discovery : 1799
- Cryolite : Sodium
Hexafluoaluminate (Molecular formula ALF6NA3, contains
32.9% Na, 12.8% Al, 54.3% F) can also contain traces
of Fe and Ca.
- Main deposits : Cryolite of
the Ivitgut complex (Greenland)
- This mineral is associated
with large pegmatite deposits.

- CAS#
: 15096-52-3
- European N° (and/or)
EINECS: 2391488 (EINECS: European Inventory of
Existing Commercial Substances)
Harmful by
inhalation and ingestion
Toxic: risk of
serious health effects in the event of
prolonged exposure by inhalation and
Do not to breathe
Wear suitable gloves
In the event of an
accident or feeling of sickness, see a doctor
(if possible show
him the label)
- Because of its scarcity,
this mineral has been replaced in industrial processes
by artificially produced sodium and aluminium
- The production of aluminum
fluoride(AlF3) and cryolite (AlF3,3NaF) on a world
level represents more than 400,000 tons/year. They are
used, mainly, in the electrometallurgy of aluminium.
- In general
- Refined cryolite is a very
fine white powder.
- 1 kg of cryolite gives 0.443
kg of Na2O and 0.243 kg of Al2O3 in glazes or glass.
- Slightly soluble in water :
0.4 g/liter at 20°C
- Molecular weight: 210 g
- Density: 2.97
- Linear dilation coefficient
in glass: 2.2 X 10-7 °K-1 (very weak)
- Fusion point :
- Uses in
glass and ceramics :
- Cryolite is a powerful flux
rather low in iron, used especially in glass for its
strong solvent action on oxides such as SiO2, Al2O3
and CaO with which it forms eutectics at low melting
temperatures. It is also an opacifier used in opal
glasses in which it favours opalescence.
- The melting and opacifying
action of cryolite contributes to the homogeneity and
fining of glass, it is also an easily fusible alumina
source. Cryolite is used to accelerate fusion. The
action of fluorine in small proportion strongly lowers
viscosity and facilitates fining (elimination of
bubbles present in glass in fusion).
- Glazes : the addition
of fluorides in glazes opacified by tin improves
opacity, but fluorine release can cause pinholes and
small bubbles if the glaze solidifies too early.
- In white glazes cryolite can
be used as a component at the level of 5 to 15 % by
- Cryolite is sometimes used
as an auxiliary flux in white clays.
- Cryolite is the most stable
form for supplying fluoride in glass and glazes
because of its high alumina content.
- Cryolite is used in some
Shino glazes in which the role of fluorine allows to
intensify colors and facilitate the migration of iron
to the surface while it escapes as a gas through the
glaze in fusion.
- Link to Hank Murrow's
article on Shino glazes in order to learn more :
- Use in
metallurgy :
- In metallurgy, it is mainly
used as a slovent of alumina in the metallurgy of
aluminium by electrolysis. Cryolite has the following
properties: it dissolves fluorides and oxides of
aluminium but not the metal. Melted at 1000°C, it
becomes a conductor of electrical current.
- Its density weaker than that
of aluminium facilitates phase separation during
- Production of aluminium: The
process most often used consists in dissolving alumina
in molten cryolite then to separate aluminium by
electrolysis. The aluminium obtained is 99%, pure,
after elimination of impurities by refining (iron,
silicon, zinc, titanium, copper...), its purity
reaches 99.99%.
- Presence of
fluorine in our environment :
- Excerpt from Haguenau's site
on fluorides in water:
- 9, way of Gases - 67500
Haguenau - Tel..
- The earth's crust contains
approximately 0,3 g/kg of fluorine. This element is
more abundant than copper, for instance.One always
finds it in a combined state as fluorides in
association with other elements. Fluorine is
concentrated in the ores containing cryolite and
- Fluorides are naturally
present at concentrations generally lower than 1 mg/l
in surface waters, but can reach several tens of mg/l
in certain deep waters.
- Fluorine is also present in
plants, and mainly in the graminaceous ones. It plays
a significant role in the animal kingdom, where it is
found primarily in bones and teeth. Almost all
foodstuffs contain fluorine but exotic tea, fish and
some fruits are particularly rich in it. It should be
noted that certain mineral waters are very rich in
fluorides (up to 8 mg/l).
- Smart2000.fr
Juillet 2003
- Écrit
et documenté par le propriétaire du site
// Contact : Smart2000@wanadoo.fr
- Document
pour CONSULTATION PRIVÉE uniquement - Toute
reproduction totale ou partielle est
- CAS Number
- This number is allotted
by Chemical Abstracts Services to each chemical
entity, be it a quite precise molecule, a mixture of
isomers or a product resulting from a well defined
industrial process. Considering the complexity of
chemical nomenclature and the possibility of
indicating a substance by several names, the CAS
Number makes it possible to identify chemical species
without any ambiguity
Edouard Bastarache
- Molecular
Formula : ALF6NA3
- Main
synonyms :
- I-English
- Sodium hexafluoroaluminate.
- II-French
- Hexafluoroaluminate de
- Uses and
sources of emission
- I-Aluminium Smelting
- Aluminium is produced from
bauxite, a mineral containing aluminium oxide, ferrous
oxide and silica. By a chemical process, bauxite is
refined to aluminium oxide.
- Pure aluminium is then
produced by using an electrothermal process, where
electrolysis takes place in a carbonlined steel
container with molten cryolite.
- Carbon anodes are dipped
into the liquid molten cryolite. A direct current
generates molten aluminium in the bottom of the
- II- Glaze Chemistry
- III-Pesticide
- Hygiene and
Safety :
- I-Appearance :
- Crystalline, solid powdery
material, colourless to dark, odourless.
- II- Immediately dangerous
to life or health (IDLH) : 250 mg/m3 as
- III-Inflammability :
- This product is non
- IV-Techniques and Means
of Extinguishing :
- Special techniques :
- Wear an autonomous
respiratory apparatus provided with a complete facial
mask and suitable protective clothing. Move containers
away from the zone of fire if that does not present
any risk.
- V-Products of Combustion
- Highly toxic and irritating
fumes of hydrofluoric acid.
- Prevention
- I-Reactivity
- A-Stability
- This product is
- B-Incompatibility :
- This product is incompatible
with the following substances: Calcium oxide; at high
temperature, strong acids, water or moisture breaks it
up. It breaks up upon heating with aqueous solutions
of calcium hydroxide or aqueous solution of alkali
- C-Products of
Decomposition :
- It breaks up at the point of
boiling. Thermal decomposition gives off toxic and
irritating hydrofluoric acid fumes. Hydrolytic
decomposition gives off hydrofluoric acid (normally at
high temperature).
- II-Handling :
- Avoid prolonged and repeated
skin contacts.
- Ventilate adequately if not,
wear a suitable breathing apparatus. Do not smoke,
drink or eat during use.
- Remove contaminated clothes
and wash them before re-using them.
- III-Storage :
- Store away from incompatible
materials. Preserve in an airtight container placed in
a dry and well ventilated place.
- IV-Leaks
- Avoid accumulation of dust.
Collect it. Put in a container.
- Collect waste materials and
put them in a hermetic container.
- V-Waste Disposal
- Check with the regional
office of the Department of the Environment.
- Toxicology
- I-Absorbtion
- This material is absorbed by
the respiratory and digestive tracts.
- II-Acute Effects
- The insoluble derivatives of
fluorine (spathfluor, cryolite) have a very low acute
toxicity. It causes irritation of the eyes and the
respiratory system but, no irritation of the skin
during tests carried out on animals.
- III-Chronic Effects :
- Loss of weight, anorexia,
anemia, dental effects, eosinophilia, disorders of
growth in young individuals.Gastro-intestinal,
circulatory, respiratory and neurological disorders,
itching. Possibility of constipation and pain located
with the area of the liver. Possible fluorosis:
brittleness of the bones, rigidity of the joints and
decalcification of the bones.
- When ingested, this product
releases fluoride ions.
- IV-Effects on Development
- No data concerning the
antenatal development was found in the consulted
documentary sources.
- V-Cancerogenic Effects :
- Evaluation by the ACGIH :
Substance not classifiable as cancerogenic for man (A4
- The data do not make it
possible to make an adequate evaluation of the
cancerogenic effect.
- VI-Mutagenic Effects :
- No data concerning a
mutagenic effect in vivo or in vitro on the cells of
mammals were found in the consulted documentary
- Biological
surveillance :
- I-Biological parameter,
biological index of exposure and time of sampling :
- Urinary fluorides:
- 18 µmol/mmol of
creatinine measured at the beginning of the first
workshift of the week,
- 60 µmol/mmol of
creatinine measured at the end of the workshift.
- II-Factors to be
considered at the time of interpretation :
- The measurement of urinary
fluorides is not a specific indicator of professional
- Possible external
contamination of the sample at the time of sampling
can distort the evaluation due to
- Absorption by the digestive
tract may be considerable if there is a risk of
contamination of the hands or food;
- Biological indices of
exposure apply only to exposures to metallic
fluorides, hydrofluoric acid and fluorine.
- An exposure to fluorides at
levels equivalent to the standard may cause a urinary
excretion of fluorides higher than the values
suggested ACGIH; biological indices of exposure
suggested by this organization aim at preventing any
effect to the health of workers.
- First aid
- Rinse abundantly the eyes
with water, wash the skin and see a doctor.
- In the event of ingestion,
make the person vomit if he is conscious. Call a
- In the event of inhalation
of vapors or dusts, bring the person in a ventilated
- See a doctor.
- Quebec's
Exposure limit :
- Valeur d'exposition moyenne
pondérée (VEMP) : 2,5 mg/m³,
expressed as F (Fluorides)
- References
- 1-CSST-Quebec,
Répertoire Toxicologique, 2003
- 2-Toxicologie
Industrielle et Intoxications Professionnelles,
Lauwerys R. last edition.
- 3-Sax's Dangerous
Properties of Industrial Materials, Lewis C., last
- 4-Clinical Environmental
Health and Toxic Exposures, Sullivan J.B and Krieger
G.R., last dition.
- 5-Occupational Medicine,
Zenz C arl, last edition.
- Edouard
Bastarache M.D.
- (Occupational
& Environmental
- Author
of " Substitutions for raw ceramic
materials "
- Tracy,
Québec, CANADA
- edouardb@colba.net
- Smart2000.fr
Juillet 2003
- Écrit
et documenté par le propriétaire du site
et Édouard Bastarache // Contact :
- Document
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- Smart2000.fr
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